Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sleep, glorious sleep

So I was finally able to sleep last night for any decent amount of time since the contest. Apparently I've at least been able to process enough of the events of the last week to let exhaustion take over and let me sleep. I fell asleep at about 10:30 in front of the TV, and was awaken at about 2:30 to the sound of a false alarm on my bike alarm. (The remote went off, but not the bike itself, oddly enough, and investigation show'd the motion detector didn't even go off around it, so dunno what was up with that.) So after a little mini-heart attack from that, I went back up and fell back to sleep.

It also occurred to me I finally understand the term "blind ambition." In the course of going to school, I treated it like an endurance marathon. After almost three and a half years, you no longer ask yourself why you're doing it, you just do it. I felt like that's what happened at IBR. I was so freakingly busy doing it and keeping an eye on the prize, I totally forgot why I was doing it. And looking back, even though I didn't win, I still satisfied a lot of the reasons for doing it. And that makes it all worth it. Not that I ever thought overwise. Because...

I started a new group on my AOL IM called "IBR Family." They really are. We all bonded so much, even more so since. We all went through this amazing experience together, and there wasn't a bad apple in the bunch. I truly love those guys!


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