Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Hardest Load of Laundry I've Ever Done

So after this weekend, I basically took half my closet, wore it once and threw it on the floor. The contest alone was 4 outfits, and each day averaged 2-3. I got home after work, changed into something comfortable, threw it all in a Korean military duffle bag, threw it on my back, hopped on the motorcycle and drove down to Sit & Spin in the Castro. I love that place. All new washers, well kept, and usually a friendly face you know to chat with. This time was no exception. Ran into a fellow bear I knew, not really well, but casually. We chatted about the previous weekend. I talked about running in the contest. But the memories started to flood back. The stains on my knees from selling raffle tickets in the rain... the water and crap I got on my coveralls from the dare to bare. Even if not very soiled, or just smelling sweaty, each outfit reminded me of what I was doing. I recapped the whole weeekend, and I realized I was a lot better about it. Surprisingly how doing laundry helps you clean out your brain too.


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