Tuesday, January 04, 2005

My E-bay account has been hacked by Puritans!

So I was on e-bay today looking for some stuff I saw in Europe but didn't have a chance to buy when I was there. I had never actually bought anything on E-Bay. So when I went to register, it said I was already registered. Hmmm, I don't ever remember registering. So I requested, what's my username? It sends me back a message: wilandmari. What?!? So I did a google search on this mysterious character and it came back with one hit: The Puritan Board. As it turns out, there's a member on the Puritan Board with the same username, registered to a Joe and Mary Carlin of god knows where, who's email address is joeandmarycarlin@yahoo.com. What I'm thinking happened is forever ago they registered with Hotmail, registered with e-bay and then let the Hotmail account lapse. I then come along, register my name. Which is really odd, because I was wondering why I was getting spam within hours of registering with Hotmail. (Explains why they stopped using it too, because it was the "You need a big big penis" type spam too, which honestly I've been very, very happy with the size of penis.)

Anyways, so I was able to find a few posts on this wilandmari user on this Puritan board:

"I have been studying the issue of whether bith control is a sin for over 6 years now. I have read hundreds of books and articles from Catholic, Protestant, secular, ancient, contemporary, conservative and liberal authors. I started out to prove to a Catholic friend of mine that the pill does not cause abortions. We were on the pill at the time. We now have 6 kids and I grow more and more convinced the longer I study the issue that birth control is not only a sin, but among the worst if the the worst plagues on our society today. I will share my reasons for this belief one at a time for as long as anyone wishes to continue this discussion. One of the most convincing arguments has to be that jews, catholics and protestants universally condemned artificial birth control from the beginning of history until about 70 years ago. The modern acceptance of "birth control" (a term coined by Margret Sanger of Planned Parenthood) goes against thousands of years of church history. Why the change?"

*gag gag gag* Oh my freakin' God. I wonder if these Puritan people have any idea that their former email account is now being used by some heathenist homosexual living in wild abandonment in the Sodom by the Sea San Francisco? (In truth, I was actually going to use it for shopping for skinhead gear at that!)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go clense myself from such purtianistic heathens according to my own beliefs and go commit sodomy right now with someone I've never met before and who's name I'll never know. (Extra points if I never see their face.) *lol* :-)

----Original Message Follows----
From: aw-confirm@ebay.com
To: XXX@YYY.com
Subject: eBay User ID Reminder
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 15:53:11 -0800

Dear wilandmari,

In response to your request to be reminded of your eBay User ID, please find below the information we have on file for you. If you didn't submit this request, ignore this email.

Your User ID is: wilandmari

Your registered email address is: XXX@YYY.com

If you have forgotten your password, you can request it at: http://pages.ebay.com/services/registration/reqpass.html

Thank you for using eBay!


Blogger Joe Carlin said...

Joe's note: The Lonsdale shirt came today (2/24) :-)

2:23 AM GMT+1  

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