Thursday, February 24, 2005

Just another Tuesday

So yesterday was another Tuesday, but not quite unlike any other Tuesday. I would have loved to have taken it off and process the events of the previous weekend (not to mention get some much needed sleep), but I had a contractor coming in, and very little vacation time left, and it just wasn't happening. I barely slept the night before, I had so much to process in my head. Life is indeed a crazy thing.

So on top of working a full day of work on very little sleep, I schlept out to Walnut Creek for my Business Writing class. I negotiated successfully to turn in my homework late. Things got so crazy. Kasia's awesome about that though. God bless her.

Troy called me in the middle of class. We were working on a group project so I could take it aside for a minute. He wanted to tell me he got his phone set up in Nebraska, and he was very proud of me. He's so sweet. "Hey Troy?" "Yeah?" "Guess what." "What?" "I love you." "I love you too." It was about time I said it. :-)

We got out a little early, about 9:30 PM. I road back the 28 miles back to San Francisco on the motorcycle, winding through Berkley and Oakland, across the Bay Bridge and into the beautiful city where I live. It wasn't as cold yesterday as it had been. Thank God both weeks of winter are finally done. :-) I'm just glad it's still light out when I drive out to my class at 5:30.

So I exit off I-80 onto the Mission St exit (also known as the 13th Street Overpass, also known as the roof for a lot of homeless people's encampments). I pull up onto Dolores and then Market Street and make my way along the street cars and bicyclists. I drive through the Castro, wave at the rainbow flag and make my way to the winding part of Upper Market. I lane split past a rusty piece of crap Camero, who's owner apparently had a very, very, very small endowment. Not enjoying that a 1000 cc engine sports bike blew past him, he sped up to 60 miles an hour and past me. Going into a turn. Going into a very tight turn. Now I ride this way on my motorcycle all the time, and I can do about 40-45 on it, maybe more if I have new sticky tires. I don't in my car. And certainly not in a piece of crap rusty Camero. I think "oh this isn't good." He flies past me into the turn, loses control, and skids into the median, busting the living crap out of the side of his car.

My boss taught me a German word the other day that perfectly suited this occasion: Schadenfreude. It's actually commonly used in English. The literal translation is "awful pleasure", but the connotation is to take pleasure in someone else's misfortune. As I drive by in the lane that is not filled with Camero parts, I look in and see he's all right, and then keep on driving. (He didn't hit it hard, just perfectly parallel to maximize the damage to the side of his vehicle.) The idiot. If he were just perfectly happy with the size of his small penis, he never would have had that problem.

I went home, heard the sirens in the distance, and walked upstairs and off to sleep.


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