Friday, February 25, 2005

Today, I am a San Franciscan

There's a joke in San Francisco that you need to have certain things to be considered a San Franciscan. I got a title (Bay Area Cub), so that's one. I have a blog, so that's another. And on Monday at the auction, I picked up an iPod Shuffle. The white ear buds are so prevalent here, you'd think they handed them out at the DMV here when you changed your license. I have an MP3 player of various sorts, but I got on iTunes awhile ago, and I got sick of doing the download-burn-rip-copy thing, so I finally picked up a Shuffle. I picked it up at the auction for a little bit more than retail (but since it was for charity, it's deductible). I like it. It's pretty slick (it is an Apple product, after all). I don't mind not having the display. Since it integrates seemlessly into iTunes, I just leave it plugged in, and I can just change the order in my iTunes GUI, and then just take it with me. I already copied my German listening CDs onto it. "Hören Sie zu diese Gespräch zu." (Listen to this conversation.) :-)


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