Friday, February 25, 2005

So, is there like some movie thing going on Sunday?

I woke up this morning, turned on my computer, and a news article popped up on my homepage about what the hot movies are supposed to be for the Oscars on Sunday. On Sunday. Sunday? This Sunday? In two days, Sunday? THE OSCARS ARE ON SUNDAY???? I had COMPLETELY forgotten! I mean, ME, FORGOT about the OSCARS? I mean, it's not like I'll be watching with bated breathe, but I'm a big movie fan, so I am interested (not to mention pay careful attention for later trivia questions, another interest of mine), so for me to just completely forget about the Oscars, that's huge! I think it speaks reams to the fact that my mind has been completely elsewhere. I have to finish up my Philosophy homework tonight, study for the PM final tonight, then have that final tomorrow, have to finish up my late Business Writing class homework tomorrow, and then finish the regular homework for Tuesday. Oh yeah... AND THE OSCARS! By Sunday, I'm supposed to have most of it done, as I'll do my homework and stuff on the train to and from Sacramento for my PM class, so I'll definitely be able to watch it, but HOLY CRAP! I forgot about the Oscars! That still just blows me away....


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