Sunday, March 27, 2005

That was weird

Every once in awhile, your past and your present come colliding together. They just hit you with a sudden force, right out of no where. It intellectually knocks you unconscious, and you wake up to wonder what just happened. That just happened.

I likened it to that episode of Star Trek. Not Enterprise or Voyager or Deep Space Nine or even The Next Generation. Let's go old school with TOS, The Original Series. Enterprise lands on a planet to find out it's been previously inhabited by another Earthling who stumbled upon on it, only to have the natives worship him like a god, an all powerful deity they don't understand, but exalted to the highest form. Yeah, that's what happened.

Only, it wasn't another planet. It was Berlin. Yeah, Germany. And it wasn't another human. It was the Scorpions. Yes, you hear me right. Those Scorpions.

I had heard those "Where are they now" stories on VH-1 about big hair heavy metal bands that ended up in Thailand, Japan, the Philippines, scattered throughout the world, drifting off to find an island, like boats without an anchor or sail to stumble wherever they could find a port to call home. I had heard the Scorpions were big in Germany. Well, it was a rumor.

And now confirmed. I had Tivo'd an episode of Popxport on Deutsche Welle. Finally out of my haze of classes, I got caught up. Chatting online, I hear einen Junge muttering away auf Deutsch towards the end of his show when the get to the Kult Klassisch portion. And in the midst of a stream of unintelligible German that I'm not paying enough attention to translate, I hear the familiar words in English, "the cult classic 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' von die Scorpions." I look up. As I do, the video cuts in and the Berlin Philharmonic starts in with 150 of the most skilled stringists in the world emphatically showing off their 20 years of some of the best violin lessons in the world, only to play backup to.... The Scorpions. My jaw drops. I can't believe my eyes. Or ears. Or brain at this point, because this can't be happening. What used to be the theme song from a Junior High dance to a small town in rural Minnesota couldn't be sent via satellite from the opposite side of the world in one of Europe's cultural capitals. And yet, it was. I'm freaking out.

Four minutes of the Scorpions being the Scorpions, and the Berlin Philharmonic being the Berlin Philharmonic. I'm stunned. Appalled. And just downright speechless.

I think I need a hug.


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