Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Man I love this City

It never ceases to entertain me.

So there's this security guard at work. He's a total bear, shorter, stocky, goatee, kinda cutish bearish kind of guy. He works the afternoon/evening shift, so I'll often just smile at him on my way out the door. I tried to figure out if he was family. I thought I saw him one evening when I was in the Mission grabbing dinner. So one weekend when I came in to drop some stuff off, I just asked "Do you live in the Mission? I thought I saw you there a couple weeks ago." He abrupted answered, "No, it must have been someone else." Just killed it like that. Okay, sorry for making conversation.

So a few weeks later, guess who I run into at the Lone Star. Bingo. He was a lot nicer to me then. It's not like I wanted to do him, just I see him all the time so just to be sociable. In fact, the fact that I knew I could have him made him a lot less appealing. *lol* ("I can't have you? That is SO hot!") :-)

So this morning when I'm coming in, CC, the security guard who works in the morning and fellow family member, pulls me aside. "Hey, you know the security guard who works here in the afternoon, shorter, stocky guy." "Yeah." "Well, it turns out he's family. I ran into him at the Eagle yesterday." She frequents the Eagle. "Yeah I know, I ran into him at the Lone Star a few weeks ago." "Well, if you wanted to know, he's family. I talked to him about you, so go ahead and talk to him next time you see him." "Okay sure." I walk into the elevator. Then it hits me, CC, are you trying to set me up? :-) Is one security guard trying to hook me up with another security guard? Is everyone in this town gay? (Yeah, pretty much!)

I love this City. :-) It never ceases to entertain me.


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