Monday, March 14, 2005

My bookbag keeps getting lighter

I finished up a crapload of homework this weekend. I was saying to a friend, "If I have to write one more freakin' paper... and I do..." (I have one final paper to finalize, and two more to edit up.) :-) So I finished up my Philosophy homework, and then next assignment isn't due until next week. So after I finish up my class tomorrow night, that gives me the full benefit of next weekend to do nothing but decompress. I did put my Phil book in my carry on so I can read it on the plane. But not needing my books today, I just had my papers and notes with me this morning. Man it felt light. I thought it was so symbolic, that my book bag was getting lighter, and so is the burden of all this homework. When I finished up my PM class, that was one less folder and one less tome to carry around. Now that I didn't need my Business Writing book, that was one less thing to carry around. After tomorrow, I don't have to carry the notes and papers either. And with it, no more work for those classes. Oh sweet freedom! :-)


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