Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Are we there yet?

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed the last few days. On my way home from class on Saturday, I was feeling awesome that I finished another class. (As well I should!) I kept thinking, man I'd love to go see a movie or something. However, the feeling didn't last. As I assessed my other classes, I realized I had to get caught up on those. On Monday I got caught up on one class, but have another onslaught due on Friday. And I'm still not caught up on the other class. Oh yeah, and working every day too. Monday night after I got caught up on the one, and sat and stared at the pile of work I had to do in the other class, I realized there was something I desperately wanted to do: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't want to write any papers, read any chapters, go through the horizontal filing cabinet formerly known as my kitchen table, nothing. I did manage to clean a bunch of my apartment (at least the worst of it, like the kitchen and bathroom and pick up major stuff), but still.

So I logged into school and checked up. My grade had been posted for my PM class (I got an A!), and I registered for my capstone project class that starts in two weeks: The final class. After feeling overwhelmed, I just realized I need a little inspiration to get me over this final hump. I found it in my evaluation report:

Credits required: 123.0
Current credits earned: 114.0
Current credits remaining: 9.0
Anticipated credits remaining: 0.0

0.0. I've never been so happy to see zeros in all my life. It means I have 9 credits (3 classes) left to finish (although one is half over, the other has only two weeks left), and they're all in progress.

I need to schedule some me times to get over this hump. I do realize I have one less class to worry about, and I have my weekends back... at least to work on other classes. :-) Two more weeks, and it'll be easy street. In May, walk down the isle. Eye on the prize, Joe. :-)


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