Sunday, February 27, 2005

I want to go back to San Juan

I’ve inspired. Steve, the fellow cub who ran from Montreal, started his own blog ( I was reading it through, and I totally now remember a bunch of stuff from the weekend I had forgotten until he reminded me!

My friends are so awesome in their support. One morning after a bunch of contestant stuff, I came out into the lobby. My friend Tom et al were standing their, and as I walked up they all starting clapping and cheering. “What was that for?” I perplexed. “We’re practicing!” They’re so awesome. :-)

My fellow contestants made the whole thing very fun too. In front of everyone, we had to always be all “on” and all bear. In private though, we totally had fun with it. One of the contestants had these hella-tight pants on. I asked him, “How’d you get into those pants, hon, a can of Pam and a shoehorn?” :-) We quoted about every line from about every pageant movie/show/reference there was. (I won’t mention names to protect the innocent!) One was so proud that he had just watched Drop Dead Gorgeous for inspiration and quoted a line. I said, “I’m from Minnesota, so don’t even try that with me,” as I stood straight up as if I were giving a speech, brushed off my thickest Minnesota accent and said “And that makes me, Amber Atkins, proud to be an American!” Roaring laughs. He didn’t try it again. Doncha know. :-) Miss Congeniality, even “Designing Women” (one of them kept asking “where’s my flaming batons?”), nothing verboten. It was great fun.

At one point we were getting ready back stage. Two of us were looking in a mirror. And we consequently broke out into a rendition of “I feel pretty, oh so pretty.” Several more joined in. One of the New Yorkers said “What’s that from?” We’re like “West Side Story? You’re from New York and you don’t know West Side Story?” He said “Oh, all I know is,” and totally broke out in accent and character with “I want to live in America, Okay by me in America! Every free in America, for a small fee in a America!” By this time, everyone was getting into the act. “I want to go back to San Juan!” And everyone yelled back at him “I KNOW A BOAT YOU CAN GET ON!” :-) We continued for another couple verses. The New Yorker had no idea “I Feel Pretty” was in West Side Story, but he could sing three verses of “America” from memory. :-)

After reading Steve’s blog, I had totally forgotten about my intro on the Kinsey Sicks. I was introduced as Mr. Holland Bay Tunnel 2003. I’m a registered Republican. (I shook my head a little bit as they said that!) I’ve been in the seminary for 20 years now, and enjoy going to Junior Varsity wrestling games. (I vigorously shook my head in agreement with that one!) Contestant #2, Joe Carlin!


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