Monday, March 14, 2005

I love making people's day

So this morning I was running a little late, mostly because I didn't sleep well last night, but partially because I lost one of my motorcycle gloves. After combing the area between my bike and apartment and not finding it, I finally gave up and decided to brave it and ride in without them.

It was a gorgeous day, so everyone and their grandmother rode their motorcycles into downtown San Francisco. I circled around the enclave of motorcycle parking around the Federal Reserve Building (since 9/11 it's been a security concern to allow large vehicles to park around it, so it's nothing but motorcycle parking around the entire block) and not a spot to be found. So I decided to check out Justin Herman Plaza a couple blocks down. I wait at the light at 1st and Market, and standing next to me is a tourist family waiting to get on the F-line street car to go down to Fisherman's Wharf. The five year old next to me goes balistic. "WOW!! A MOTORCYCLE!" I look next to me. You'd think he'd never seen a motorcycle in his entire life. I mean he was jumping up and down, "Look mom, look! Nice bike man!" "Thanks!" I call back. It put a smile on my face too. :-)


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