Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Chapitre onze: Et le dixième jour, il s'est reposé

I didn't do a heckuva lot in Paris. I rested more than anything. I did go see Versalles. I did do some shopping, although Joe was not a happy camper to find out the one place in Paris where I will walk and and I will walk out with something, closed for remodelling. Just before Christmas? (Samaritaine, if you must know.) No, I was not happy. :-( Unfortunately it was cold. Really cold. If you look at my pictures of Versalles (amazing really), there's frost on the gardens. Needless to say, I didn't venture far into them. It was cool though. I mean in the other sense of that word. :-)

And so on the 10th day, he rested.

You know, I had been to Paris before, so this trip was an entirely different experience. I enjoyed it profoundly, don't get me wrong. I remembered all the things I loved about Paris. My French slowly started to come back so at least I knew how to do simple things. (I never claim to be fluent, but it comes quick to me.) "Order in French," Reme would say. "Uh okay... Je voudray un..." and so on. "Tres bien!" He's so sweet.

One of the worst things about it was that it was so short, and it was right in the middle of the trip. I was so tired from Germany. It was just go go go. I saw so many friends, I had such a great time (it nearly brought me to tears to have to pack). I really didn't have time to prepare and really plan the stuff I wanted to do (unlike where it was the first part of my trip last year), and have the energy to do it. (My cold, while much better now, still slows me down a bit... just enought to remind me I'm human.) But you know, there's something of a theme going on for this trip. Last year was about seeing things and new places. This year has been different. I met so many wonderful people, everywhere. It's just been amazing. And the whole language thing, I've been amazed. It just all starts to make sense after awhile. I guess I put myself in a place I never thought I would be, or even really intended to be. Just one day you find yourself somewhere, and you're like, wow.

And there's still Madrid. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

6:48 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:02 PM GMT+2  

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