Saturday, November 19, 2005

Aufgabe eins: Unterwegs

My flight worked out much better than I hoped. I ended up going to the airport early, in fact 15 minutes before checkin opened. That worked well, as I did managed to get an aisle seat. Because of my weird itinerary (SFO to Munich on Luthansa, then return Madrid to Frankfurt on Spainair, then to SFO on United), I ended up with a paper ticket and unassigned seats. But I ended with a nice aisle seat. Alles gut.

So, in what seems to be "tradition" (since this is now the second time I did it), I spend my last few meals eating foods either I'll miss or won't easily get on my destination. For example, I went and had a burrito for dinner Wednesday night. Lunch was dim sum. Dinner last night was gumbo. (Not very good, after it was Californianized.) So dinner before the flight was sushi. Actually, a couple friends of mine did sushi in Cologne last year, and they said it was good. Cologne is probably the most international city in Germany. I'll stick with it in SF though.

Aside from the occasional stare, I had completely forgotten I was wearing a "Bearcelona" shirt, complete with an bear flag-colored arched rainbow, until some bull-dyke TSA with a booming voice deeper than mine said, "Bearcelona, I never heard of that!" After grabbing my bag, I said, "it's a bear event in Barcelona." "Huh," was her only response as she went back to work.

Getting on board, I had my choice of newspapers. I grabbed a Frankfurter Allegemeine. I read that the finalists for the "Weltmeistershaft" (World Cup) had been picked, to be held in Germany next year. The US and Mexico made it, Ireland didn't.

Anyways, as I was boarding, the flight attendant just comes out and asks, "Welche Setzung haben Sie?" I paused. "Uh, Vierunddreisig-Day," I sputtered auf Deutsch. "Gerade auf," she replies. Straight ahead. I knew that. What I didn't know is why she just went ahead and asked me in German. Then I realize she saw I was carrying a German paper. Ah. Das macht Sinn. :)

So I read the paper, and drink a beer... Warsteiner, "Eine Königin unter den Bieren": a queen among beers. Yeah, it kicks Budweiser's ass.


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