Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Aufgabe sieben: Sie machen mich lös

They finally let me loose.

So yesterday, I headed "in die Stadt" down to Munich with Kay. We braved German roads for 1.5 hours. It snowed a bit, just enough to make the roads full of Germans. Remind me again why I decided to come to Munich in November?

Unfortunately, yesterday, I only got about 4 hours of sleep. I woke up about 5:15 AM after only getting to sleep at 1:00 AM. I made sure Alan got up for his flight to Cologne (which he missed, unfortunately because of the weather, but he was able to catch another one a couple hours later, but that one was the one to be late as well!). I laid down for a bit after, but didn't go back to sleep.

So we headed into the city. I just kind of got the lay of the land, more than anything. I did some shopping, got the new Wir Sind Helden CD, that kind of thing.

Oh, so I got my German cell phone ("Handy", they call them here). I was so proud of myself. The woman at T-Mobile got a chance to practice her English. "You can pay over here at the.... Kasse?" "Cashier?" I said with a smile. "Oh, 'cashier'!" She goes over and says to the andere Kasserin, "Weisst du, das du ein 'cashier' auf Englisch bist?" "Nein, ich wüsste das nicht!" They were just so excited to learn a new word in English. It was very cute. :)

Of course, then I get the fun part: setting up the voicemail. I was so proud of myself. I just carefully listened to the instructions (auf Deutsch, naturlich), and I managed it through just fine. I realized it was much harder than reading something, which you can spend any amount of time reading, and rereading. But I did it. And now, I have a German phone number. :)

I met up with my friend Andreas about 8. We got me settled in. We went out to dinner, had a couple beers, and just got caught up on things. His English is very good, and he was kind enough to give me a little respite from German for a little bit. My German has improved immensely, but I stammer a bit. I'm just fine for most things, but conversation isn't yet one of my strong points. Actually, "small talk" I can do just fine. Yet. I'm here another week, so after that, we'll see. :)

And last night I got to sleep about midnight. Andreas went off to work, and I went off to bed. I woke up, and the light outside was not so light. The sun was going down. It was 4:30 PM. Well, it was my first decent time to sleep the entire trip! Verdammt jetlag. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Herr Carlin - wo ist aufgabe sechs?

2:03 AM GMT+1  
Blogger rose said...

Ugh - there are just some things I don't miss in Europe. The sun setting early in the afternoon and the bitter cold, winter weather.

Besides that, I'm envious of all the fun and adventure you're experiencing!

2:09 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Joe Carlin said...

Es ist wahr... ich kann nicht zählen! :-)

1:44 AM GMT+1  

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