Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Chapter final: I'm home?

My batteries are all dead. I have 18 days worth of laundry to do. I ran out of Cliff Bars several days ago. My luggage is 8 kilos heavier than it was 18 days ago. And I now absolutely hate my boots. "Bring a pair of walking shoes," I thought before the trip. "Nah, I don't want to take up the extra room," I thought. I'd kick myself if I had any feeling left in my legs. :-)

It's weird to be home. It's weird to hear English again. After getting home, we went out for a quick bite to eat (and then straight to bed). I ordered in English for the first time in 2.5 weeks. I had to take the adapter plug off my laptop in order to recharge it. Little things like when I woke up, I just ran to the fridge and got orange juice. I didn't have to run out to get it. The internet is infinitely faster. I think the latter was just because it was the free internet provided by the hotel, but the "alta velocidad internet" wasn't so "alta". :-)

My trip was fantastic. I'm really only now starting to process the totality of it all. Mein Deutsch ist immer besser. Je peux parler un peu français. Y mi español esta mucho mejor. I have friends all over Europe now. And it might just be more than that. :-)

In a day or two, I'll probably post another update. People ask me how my trip was. I say it was great. Two and a half weeks and that all you have to say is "it was great?" No, quite the opposite. It's so overwhelming, I have no idea where to start.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

6:48 AM GMT+2  

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