Saturday, July 15, 2006

Did we liberate Iraq, or occupy it?

I've noted a dangerous trend among Republicans. They are quick to curtail any discussion of exiting Iraq by simply dismissing it as "cut and run".

That begs a question from me: I thought were liberating Iraq. Are you saying now we are simply to occupy it?

If we never make any plan to exit it, then we truly are just occupiers. There was a famous line from the movie The Battle of Algiers from the commander of the French forces that the problem was simple: The French wanted to stay, and the Algerians wanted them out. And then:

Should we remain in Algeria? If you answer "yes," then you must accept all the necessary consequences.

Cut out "French" and put in "American" and cut out "Algeria" and put in "Iraq".

And personally, I'm not ready to accept the consequences. Thankfully, the problem is that they want us out, and we want out too. We do, don't we?

So, please stop dismissing any discussion of ever getting out as "cut and run".

Make a plan and make us liberators, not occupiers.


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